Beachem Books
The Writings of John Beachem
Minor Characters
Andress Hallmen -
Bartelo Yasenus - An exceedingly wealthy merchant who had created a community on his own property made up of his farmhands and labourers. Bartelo and his wife could not conceive a child, so they took a rather outrageous route and elected to train a captured elf to act as their son, thinking that this would essentially cause Bartelo's name to become immortal, as elves do not age. While they were more or less successful, they made a poor choice in hiring the mercenary Durayl for a job and introducing him to their "son" to test out the illusion.
Boaran - A farmhand and habitual drunk in the town of Driam. Boaran was married to Estantia, and was a frequent guest/annoyance at the Winding River Inn, where he could be counted on to drink until the bartender threw him out into the street. He was also a bully who chose to bully the wrong small, cloaked form one fateful evening.
Burne - A veteran of Terne's army and a respected figure from the war, Burne was also more than a little slow, and deeply uncomfortable with any activity that did not involve swinging an axe. Despite that, he held near-legendary status among many of the men, though this often made him uncomfortable.
Cassera - The Eresgot family cook.
Commander Deltess - The Lord Commander of Fort Herioch, the northern outpost given the duty of guarding the shores of the Karees from the barbarian hordes of the Jungles of the North. Deltess had a complicated and difficult history with his commanding officer, Commander Faren, and a taste for the finer things in life.
Dersam - Father of Nalu and Taskmaster of one of the thirty-six Vessaria clans. Dersam was friendly and garrulous at a glance, but his easy smile and friendly words concealed a devious, calculating mind that was always hunting for a means to improve the condition of his clan, no matter the cost to anyone else.
Elerene - A girl on whom Ratel was once fixated, though she had an eye for his best friend, Calton, instead. Though he has not seen her in years, Ratel's thoughts sometimes linger on her and the betrayal he felt at her relationship with Calton.
Eragon - Third in command of the armies of Terne, Eragon was an outstanding swordsman, belied by his rather slovenly and weak appearance. Despite his abilities as a warrior, his leadership abilities were often questioned as it was believed he bought his way to his rank, and did not possess sufficient fortitude or courage to hold his position.
Erild - A long-time member of the Ternian Army, Erild eschewed the traditional and more public/profitable route of leadership via a veteran's rank in favor of joining the little-seen but highly-respected elite corps, where he was given the task of guarding the city's treasury. Stone-faced and dutiful nearly to a fault, Erild was both respected and feared by his compatriots.
Erlinda Eresgot -
Estantia - The small, frail wife of Boaran married her husband in an attempt to escape her own miserable home experience, only to find herself in something even more soul-crushing in the tiny town of Driam. Miserable though she was while married to her drunken lout of a husband, his death would have left her destitute if not for the unexpected interference of a stranger.
Garseth - A soldier in the First Cavalry Division, who was present at the search of the ruins of Balashad. He was chosen by Lellar Argoyle as one of the men to accompany Commander Faren in the search of the Church of Yrisas, primarily because he was an adept hand-to-hand combatant, and would be better suited to fighting inside the church if necessary. Garseth was not a wealthy man, but managed to join the cavalry division after being picked out for his strong work ethic and way with animals when working the stables. He had only been with the army for a little under a year when called upon to head north to Balashad.
Gilbreth Valens -
Gosaj - One of the oldest and most respected veterans in the Faranin military, Gosaj was from humble origins, and was thus never able to reach the rank of Captain, despite his formidable legacy. Despite that, Gosaj was a rare veteran in that he reported directly to the commander rather than through either of the Faren's captains. He commanded the army's elite unit, which was given such tasks as guarding the royal treasury, the council chamber, the King's chambers, and the Black Prison.
Governor Virtil - The ruler of the town of Tarloni was a distant cousin of Aretlan Himself, and was eighteenth in line for the throne. He was a man deeply concerned with image above all else, and spent a great deal of time and resources on appearing both wealthier than he was, and more knowledgeable than he was via his commitment to Tarloni Hall. Still, he was not considered a poor governor, and he did put work into the city's well-being, though this was more for his own gain than any concern for the people over whom he ruled.
Grimm - A well-manicured, perfumed, arrogant rogue Vessaria with a taste for high living, who found that ambushing unwary travelers in Tarloni Forest was far more profitable than using his people's traditional means of making their way in the world.
Hektel - The thin-shouldered, wily member of the First Cavalry division had the misfortune of searching the Great Hall of Balashad when it collapsed, and very nearly lost his life when a hole opened up in the second floor, sending him tumbling to the ground below. Through quick thinking and reflexes, he was able to escape the building before it collapsed upon him, but his luck ran out when the company headed home to Terne several days later...
Herium - A soldier guarding the gates of Terne when Calton and his friend arrive. Third level veteran.
Hermas - A bully and criminal all of his life, Hermas was blessed with a strong and heavy frame and a distinct lack of morals. He hired himself out as a cheap thug to various criminals around Terne, before winding up in the employ of a rogue Vessaria named Grimm, which led him deep into Tarloni Wood one fateful night.
Indorum - A sailor in the employ of Captain Reinoa. Indorum was an easy man to dislike, filled with anger over his lot in life and inability to advance in what he saw as an unfair world. He resented nearly everyone, though he did hold a grudging respect for Reinoa and her abilities as a captain.
Irsis - A soldier guarding the gates of Terne when Calton and his friends arrive.
Jafeth Wirstem -
Jorius Athexium - A rotund, middle-aged guard assigned the late shift on a portion of Terne's southern wall. Jorius was a veteran of the wars, but had not used a weapon in combat in many years. Married with two children who have since moved on to lives of their own, he enjoyed the peace, quiet, and routine of late night guard duty, but not the surprise that awaited him the night Durayl and his people arrived in Terne.
Kesinath -
Lellar Argoyle - A First Veteran in the Terne military and head of one of the army's cavalry units. His unit was selected for the journey to Balashad to investigate Poranus's assertion that the city had been destroyed. A competent, quiet, dutiful man who earned praise for valor and quick thinking in the waning days of the war.
Ordeth Parelev -
Orius Margrem - Red-headed Captain of the City Guard in Terne, Orius was a childhood friend of Captain Toren, though their relationship faltered at the end of the war, when Orius married Toren's former lover, Lady Darcies Reverla.
Ostanum -
Pilten - One of the members of the First Cavalry Division who was sent by Lellar Argoyle to search the Church of Yrisas for survivors. While a little on the slow side mentally, Pilten was an adept horseman and more than accomplished with a spear on the ground. He also had a reputation for being able to handle truly gruesome sights without batting an eye -- a trait Lellar thought might prove useful in searching the church hospital for survivors.
Porum - Porum worked most of his life as a farmhand in Kreone before getting too friendly with a wealthy farmer's daughter and being driven into a life of wandering. Porum was more lazy than cruel, typically taking whatever job paid the best with the least amount of work involved. This led him into the employ of Grimm, robbing travelers along the highway between Terne and Tarloni. This also led him into a confrontation with a vengeful foerst demon one fateful night.
Sereesa - A Vessaria woman in the employ of Durayl Silverborne. Sereesa was middle-aged, quick with a knife, light with her fingers, and mean as a snake. Her employment ended rather abruptly near the shores of the Karees River.
Uthmon - A guard posted to Fort Herioch, he immediately recognized Commander Faren and stateed that he once reported to the man. Faren had no recollection of this, however, and Uthmon's later actions indicated that he may not have been what he claimed
Weldin - The black-skinned member of the First Cavalry Division was the son of a wealthy merchant with a lifelong affinity for horses and travel. His parents held no objections when he asked to join the Farnain military rather than follow in their footsteps, as they saw it as a good way to repay the kingdom that had taken them in when they fled the wars of their homeland. Sturdy, quick-thinking, and observant, Weldin did well in the army and would likely have obtained Fifth Veteran rank quickly if not for the events following the search of Balashad.
Yaori Karum -
Yathren - An oarsman in the employ of Captain Reinoa. Yathren talked low, talked slow, and didn't say too much. Thinking was a bit uncomfortable for him, too. He was more likely to latch on to someone brighter and more ambitious than himself and follow their lead, provided he liked the look of where he was being led.